Wednesday, May 20, 2009


what can you truly believe?

I have this tiny kernel -
a tiny seed
all the ways of being I can grow to embody
what makes them the truthful, genuine expression of myself?

I know I keep this little kernel waiting and guarded. I useful technique for preservation, not to be discounted in 'life threatening' situations.
But fear, reality and laws of nature blur the separation between dangerous and life threatening. To open up and live out, I will absolutely be faced with change that threatens who I know myself to be.


  1. This was the first thing I wrote after reading most of Zami.

  2. " In a paradoxical sense, once I accepted my position as different from the larger society as well as from any single sub-society black or gay - I felt I didn't have to try so hard. To be accepted.. To look 'nice'. To be liked. To be loved. To be approved. What I didn't realize was how much harder I had to try merely to stay alive, or rather, to stay human." "How much stronger a person I became in that trying." (Zami, p181)
