Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I want my Body back

just rest now
with your heart open
flooding in and out.
unheard longings
deep achings for tenderness
unconditional caring
sense my heart leaking
out; all over the floor
please please cradle me
and tell me this is all a


  1. funny, when I was posting this I wrote the word gist instead of gift! which could also be really true!! Please tell me this is all the point of action, the essence!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The title of Audre's biomythography; 'Zami: A New Spelling of My Name" is a pejorative word for lesbian in the Caribbean.

    She redefined it as " a carriacou name for women who work together as friends and lovers."

    So the meaning expands beyond the disapproval, denial and fear of the other - to include a positive and chosen definition of lesbian.
